Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Wishy Washy Wednesday

It is pretty cloudy here today but the temps are in the low 50°'s . As I sit here writing I see just outside my window and very beautiful male Red-bellied Woodpecker perched on the lilac. He is nearly close enough to touch!

I walked our property lines with Don Westall this morning in preparation for a walkabout with Mr Schmidt on the 29th at 5:00. We had a look at the Red-tail Hawk nest. I imagine that they are starting to repair the nest in anticipation of nesting this spring.

Ran out of yarn ....... Socks That Rock in the Spinel coloway. I had completed one and 1/2 socks !! I emailed Blue Moon and they couldn't have been more helpful. I took my sock and a half down to the Post Office and had them weighed ..... 3.5 oz rather that the 4.5 oz on the label.
They will send me yarn to finish my project !!!! Fabulous customer service!!!

No pictures today as blogger doesn't seem willing ????

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Oh fickle March

Yesterday it was raining and in the 50°'s and today it is sunny, blustery and very cold!!!
Last evening I managed to find enough silence to finish the gusset and get mid way up the heel.
The net result is resting on the windowsill. I started out knitting this sock in the large size but after a couple of inches i thought it looked very large. I measured it up against one of my earlier Seaweed socks and lo and behold...... it was much wider. I ripped it out and started again ..... this time a size medium.
On a horse related note , Mary Arena spent a couple of hours here yesterday helping Sonnet get ready to have her spring shots. Sonnet was her usual *STAR* self and was more than willing to cooperate. I spent a few minutes with her again this morning and she was terrific!!!
Jack was here earlier to trim all four horses. His first visit since his hip replacement. It was good to see him.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Knitting Tuesday

Tonight is Knit Night at the Pownal Library and I will be helping two members get a real start on their Tomten Jackets. One has cast on the requisite stitches and has worked the first ten rows and will be ready to learn how to do a 'short row'. A second is STILL in the swatching stage but I have hope!!! A third is still working on simple knit and purl stitches. Last week I explained how NOT to twist her stitches so we'll see how she made out.

Meanwhile here are a few photos of 'my' Tomten Jacket. Over the week I have finished up the second sleeve and perhaps tomorrow will start to
do the finishing work ..... still haven't found a proper zipper. I do love this construction! The

yarn is Ecological Wool from Cascade Yarns. I found it at Webs on one of my trips to the Pioneer Valley to visit Trader Joe's & Whole Foods. I love Ecological Wool!!! It is a dream to knit. I used some discontinued Berroco Smart Mohair in a fabulous 'tomato paste' red color.

Now that I look at the photos I'm considering trimming the opening with the 'red'. Perhaps I'll give it a try and see how I like it? Of course if the opening is red then I'll have to have a red zipper.
Perhaps it is fortituous that I didn't buy a brown zipper????

I've just started the gusset on my second pair of Wendy Johnson's Seaweed Socks and am using Socks That Rock in a lovely greenish blue ... almost a seaweed green..... from stash!!!

And, speaking of sock yarn! I have just scored three skeins of Cherry Tree Hill 'Nantucket Red'
merino sock yarn. What luck!!!

In a while I'll be heading over to Peru, MA to collect the dogs from the groomer. Today was their day at the spa and I know that they will be lovely and sweet smelling ..... for all of one day.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Can Spring be far behind?

Woke this morning to the sound of the Red-winged Blackbirds and Bluebirds. Such an encouraging sound in these gloomy times. The thermometer never dropped below freezing last night and is well above 40° as I write. The snow is vanishing and leaving behind the usual soggy ground. As you can see from the photos of the barnyard and meadows (snapped
this morning by me in my bare feet on the side lawn) there is a long way to go before the grass will beg to be cut.

The horses are still cleaning up most of the hay I throw in the feeder but it is pretty obvious that they are looking forward to the first green shoots. After doing a mental count of the number of bales left in the loft I too am hoping that the grass will come in sooner rather than later. I may well be buying 50 more bales just to give myself some peace of mind. I'm hoping that 'himself' will bring the tractor up either today or tomorrow to clean out the barnyard.

We've had a couple of coyotes hunting in the meadows over the last several mornings. I'll post pics later. They look very healthy due in good part to the plethora of moles, voles, mice and rabbits that this farm supports.

I've also been keeping a watch out for signs of a Bobcat crossing our meadow . So far no luck but will continue to watch.

As to knitting content. No pictures right now but I have finished two preemie hats to take to Michelene's Preemie Party at the end of March. She is trying to amass a good number of hats for the NICU at Albany Medical Center. The onlyrequirement is that we knit ONLY with washer/dryer proof yarn. I had forgotten how much I HATE nylon/acrylic yarns.

The Tomten Jacket is close to completion and is about as cute as a bug's ear. I'll be off to find a zipper for the front closure but not sure where to go. It's been years since I've bought a zipper for anything. I'll bet the last time was when the kids were small .... well over 30 years ago. Yikes!! Tempus Fugit !!

'Himself' just appeared to alert me to the flock of 40 to 50 turkeys that have just wandered through the yard.