A gloomy Saturday complete with spits of rain off and on. Syd tackled the lower garage. He moved the fertilizer, cordwood saw, spray rig, T posts, DR mowers, Lawn tractor, push mower, fencing material, etc. to the lower level of the hay barn. We plan to store as much of our stuff as possible down there to reduce our moving/storage costs.
I spent the day in the dining room packing up dishes. I filled six 'medium' dish boxes and went through a 25# package of unprinted newspaper. The boxs are labeled with contents AND I took pictures of everything before it was wrapped and packed.
All in all, it was a productive day. The notion that I might have to pack this place up in a matter of days makes me want to grind my teeth to powder and provides the necessary incentive to stick to my plan of packing up a room a week. The job should be done well ahead of schedule.