Thursday, August 6, 2009

Tubs Rd

This just in!! Below is the "preliminary" site of the house and barns. There is still some debate as to whether there will be enough room at the top of the proposed driveway entrance to allow for my truck and horse trailer to make the 'corner'. It is more likely than not that I will have to use the lower entrance.

The other bit of information that I have gathered this morning. Comcast seems to believe that they will be able to provide us with cable connection for the TV and computer. We'll need to provide them with a house # as soon as we are assigned one and they will begin the process of bringing the lines up to our place.
The surveyors are at the property this morning to finish up gathering the last of the info needed to design a septic system.
Yesterday I spent a little time reading Jon Katz's most recent entries in his Bedlam Farm Journal. I learned that he has his farm up for sale and is looking to simplify his life to have more time for writing, photography, etc. His sheep and two donkey's have been re-homed. This feels a bit familiar. We too are feeling the desire to simplify
our lives for the purpose of having the ability to devote our energy to the things that are often pushed aside due to lack of time or money or both. I'm not sure that I'm willing to give up my horses just yet as they continue to provide me with much joy. Just the 'thought' that I may have a covered Round Pen area to work with the horses, no matter the weather brings a smile to my face.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Amen Farm on Tubs Rd

This is where we found ourselves at 11:00 this morning. This is the new site of Amen Farm!!
We met with our architect and our friend, neighbor and excavator operator to site the driveway, house, garage ,barn and machinery shed. The purpose of the test pits was to determine if there was any ledge extending into the meadow. The pic below shows Syd measuring an 8' hole and no ledge.

We will have two 'curb cuts' ...... one at the north end of the property that will be the access for the house and another further south to give access to the machinery shed and also make it possible for heavy equipment to access the area that will be our septic field. As soon as Dale gets the OK from the road boss he'll start the driveway construction.

This is the approximate location of the house.... looking southeast. The view from here is lovely!
To the east we see Mt Williams and Mt Fitch , to the south we see the back side of Quarry Hill( at least 80 acres on Quarry Hill is owned by the Nature Conservancy) and to the south west we see the Taconic Range. We are both very excited about this project and can't wait to start!!!